Policy Advocacy

Underlying every equitable system are strong, clear policies that afford all individuals the tools they need to lead healthy, productive lives. At LCHE, one of our core strategies for improving health outcomes is policy advocacy through campaigns, legislative studies, and policy recommendations. One of our most impactful advocacy initiatives was the successful campaign for Medicaid expansion that was signed into law on January 13, 2016.
Currently, our policy agenda centers around supporting the behavioral health needs of youth exposed to trauma and childhood adversity (Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)), more specifically, championing policy efforts to address the role of ACEs on disciplinary practices within Louisiana’s schools, an issue that has grown increasingly critical in the wake of COVID-19. ​​

LCHE advocated for legislation addressing the growing mental health crisis among youth in our state. House Bill 846, now Act 455, also known as the Mental Health Transparency Bill, became law on July 1, 2024. Act 455 provides for certain fiscal controls relative to reporting on federal and state funding of mental health services. This legislation addresses a recommendation that originates from the Student Behavior, Mental Health, and Discipline Task Force's 2023 report to the Louisiana State Legislature.
LCHE’s policy priorities are issues pertaining to women and children, including but not limited to maternal and child health and access to quality care. Under the commission of the Louisiana Legislature, LCHE convened regional and statewide studies including, service delivery and financing policies. These studies were authorized under the following legislation:
These studies have been completed by LCHE and follow up on the findings are currently underway.
Learning and Training

We offer several equity-centered learning and training opportunities to expand knowledge and build capacity at the individual, organization and community levels and to facilitate collective action.​​​
Offerings range in content, length and format for audiences including professionals, policymakers, community members and youth. Though our learning and training programs and activities are typically offered in person, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, several have been adapted to a virtual format and are announced as they become available. Select professional learning opportunities may also include continuing education credits in accordance with credentialing requirements. LCHE’s recurring offerings include, but are not limited to, the Annual Health Summit, Women’s Health Day symposium and webinars, and LYFE Line Teen Summit.​
In addition to our programs and events, we also offer experiential learning opportunities for students and emerging professionals in the form of internships, fellowships, service learning, pro bono opportunities and the like. LCHE has proudly hosted a wide array of learners, including medical and public health post-doctoral fellows, law students, social work interns and undergraduate students in various fields. For more information, please reach out to us via our ‘Opportunities’ page.
Community Outreach and Engagement

Throughout the year LCHE hosts events and programs to encourage community members of all ages to make healthy lifestyle choices and build stronger, healthier communities. Through the loyal support of our community partners, our offerings are made available for free or at minimal cost to participants.
We have a strong track record of building collaboration for example, the Together We Are More (TWRM): A Holistic Approach to Adolescent Health is a collaborative initiative in Baton Rouge to create opportunities for youth to live healthier and more productive lives. LCHE convened TWRM to develop a public health approach to adolescent health. The priorities are reducing violence and homicide, reducing the high school dropout rate, increasing social supports, and increasing extra-curricular out of school activities and more recently, suicide prevention.
Strategic Innovation and Impact
We assist organizations in identifying gaps and opportunities, creating plans and executing actions to realize results with a focus inclusive of determinants of health.
At LCHE, we understand that shared goals and thoughtful collaboration are the keys to success. Accordingly, we are pleased to lend our expertise as strategic partners to organizations and businesses who share in our mission and are committed to services, programs and policies that promote equity. If you or your organization would like to learn more about our services, connect with us to begin this partnership. We would love to know how you are making a difference and how we can help!

2023 Reflections
A Time to Reminisce
As we work tirelessly to build upon last year's momentum, we remember the importance of reflection on our accomplishments. In that spirit, the Louisiana Center for Health Equity (LCHE) Team is taking time to reminisce about the actions we have taken to advance health equity and improve the overall health and well-being of Louisianans. Keeping the LA40by2030 Bold Vision in mind, we are excited to share a few of this year’s highlights of our work.
Progress Toward LA40by2030
LCHE hosted the 8th Annual Health Summit: Advancing Population Health, Equity, and Well-Being bringing together public health professionals, academic and healthcare professionals, and individuals invested in the well-being of Louisianans. The lineup of national keynote expert speakers including Dr. Camara P. Jones, MD, MPH, PhD, Dr. Jahmal Miller, MHA, DHL and Dr. LaQuandra Nesbitt, MD, MPH lead discussions around health equity in health systems, racism as a public health crisis and population health. The goal of the summit was to continue progress toward LA40by2030 to improve health outcomes by focusing primarily on women and children.​​​
Focus On Well-Being of Children and Youth
At the beginning of the year, LCHE submitted the Student Behavior, Mental Health, and Discipline Task Force's final report to the Louisiana State Legislature. The report included the Task Force's findings and twenty-six recommendations to help address the mental health crisis among Louisiana’s youth. Subsequently, taking several recommendations from the Task Force’s report, Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards signed into law House Bill 353, now Act 318, LCHE advocated for this legislation, which is intended as a first step toward addressing the growing mental health crisis among youth in our state. During the November meeting, LCHE President Alma Stewart Allen gave a presentation to the Louisiana Legislature’s House Subcommittee on Mental Health.
LCHE celebrated 10 years of the Youth Peace Olympics (YPO). YPO is a youth violence prevention program that focuses on education and positive youth development to reduce violence and equip youth with the skills to make healthy lifestyle choices using a holistic public health approach in the Baton Rouge and surrounding areas.
During the YPO Opening Ceremony, in honor of Reverend Mary L. Wade, PhD, a minister, poet, public speaker and founder of the Youth Peace Olympics, LCHE dedicated the newly established The Wade Institute for Youth Equity. The mission of The Wade Institute is to provide holistic youth programming to improve key health indicators and promote community safety in communities across Louisiana.
LCHE's Founder, Alma Stewart Allen Attends 2023 Children's Advocacy and Leadership Network National Convening
As a member of this national cohort, Alma Stewart Allen, LCHE’s President, joined dozens of leaders from around the country in Baltimore, MD for the 2023 Children’s Advocacy Leadership Network National Convening hosted by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. The focus was on refreshing and updating their knowledge of pertinent recent policies and sharing successes and lessons learned. Members celebrated individual and community accomplishments and reflected on their leadership journeys and future opportunities for growth.
Women's Health Remains A Priority
LCHE celebrated 11 years of advocating for women’s health while pausing to celebrate the creation of the new Office on Women’s Health by hosting the annual Women’s Health Day and Retreat at the State Capitol during the 2023 Regular Legislative Session. This annual event is in recognition of National Women’s Health Week. The focus was on multiculturalism and perspectives on topics impacting women's health.
In December, LCHE and our women's health core leadership team partners sent a letter to Governor-elect Jeff Landry regarding the critical nature of the infant and maternal mortality in Louisiana and urging that it become a priority of his new administration.
National Recognitions and National Experts’ Perspectives
At the beginning of the year, The Biden-Harris Administration invited LCHE President Alma Stewart Allen to the White House for the "Communities in Action: Building a Better Louisiana" convening with the purpose of sharing life experiences and points of view of Louisianians on State and National issues and to offer ideas for solutions in the future. During this event, Mrs. Stewart Allen shared information about LCHE’s LA40by2030 initiative, which seeks to elevate Louisiana’s current standing of 50th in annual state health outcomes to a health ranking of 40th by the year 2030.
LCHE joined the National Collaborative for Health Equity’s (NCHE) Convening entitled “Transformative Leadership for Racial and Health Equity” in Washington D.C. The purpose of this convening was to understand the vision and work of other members in the collaborative who are from around the U.S. and share resources to expand on each organization’s goals. LCHE is a member of the NCHE’s Leveraging Heath Opportunity and Equity (HOPE) Community of Practice.
LCHE President Alma Stewart Allen was recognized by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) as one of the recipients of the RWJF Award for Health Equity. This award recognizes those who have actively worked to enact change in their communities by advancing health equity through systems change. To watch the RWJF Celebratory video, please click here.
On behalf the LCHE Team, THANK YOU for your support. We couldn't have achieved all of this without the dedication of our Board of Directors, volunteers, partners, and supporters. It makes our work possible, and it is helping to make a difference in the lives of so many. We look forward to continuing our progress together with you next year and beyond.