The 2024 Health Summit: Equity, Opportunity, and Well-Being for All convened with local, state, and nationally recognized speakers leading discussions around economic opportunities and improving health and the quality of life for Louisianians. The summit was organized via the Louisiana Center for Health Equity in collaboration with the Louisiana Department of Health Office of Public Health and Pennington Biomedical Research Center. The summit was made possible through corporate sponsorships. Thank you for your support.
The Louisiana Center for Health Equity, in collaboration with the Louisiana Department of Health, Pennington Biomedical Research Center and additional partners, hosted the 2024 Health Summit: Equity, Opportunity, and Well-Being for All on Nov 12 & 13, 2024 at Pennington Biomedical Research Center Conference Center, 2328 Irene Dr., Baton Rouge, LA 70808. This two-day event was filled with insightful discussions, networking opportunities, and collaborative sessions.
Conference attendees gathered together in shared dedication to exploring innovative approaches and strategies geared toward improving the health and well-being of our communities, with specific focus on health outcomes of women and children. Each element of this collective work was intentionally geared toward our ultimate goal of LA40by2030, an LCHE-led initiative designed to position Louisiana's health ranking among the top 40 in the US by 2030). To that end, LA40by2030's work entails identifying, developing, and promoting practices and policies to support children and families.
Who Attended?
This summit brought together leading voices on improving the health and well-being of women, children and families. Healthcare professionals, service providers, insurers, researchers, educators, faith-based and non-profit organizations and businesses, as well as policymakers, local and state elected officials, advocates, community health leaders, and the general public convened to work together on developing key strategies and promoting alignment and collaboration to support better health outcomes across Louisiana.
Continuing Education Opportunities
As an incentive, continuing education credits for physicians, nurses, attorneys, and social workers were pursued.
Key Highlights of the 2024 Health Summit
Brian C. Castrucci, DrPH, MA, President and CEO of de Beaumont Foundation, epidemiologist and public health practitioner, opens with keynote presentation on formulating public health communication through the utilization of data to improve population health.
Sheryll Cashin, JD, MA, Georgetown Law, acclaimed author and law professor will deliver a keynote presentation: “Health Equity and Repair: How Local Communities Can Transcend Segregation and Opportunity Hoarding.”
UpTogether leads workshop on opportunities to enhance economic security and improve health outcomes, highlighting their successes changing systems that perpetuate poverty.
Panel presentations and interactive sessions on transforming data into action to amplify collective
impact for health equity and well-being, addressing community safety through a public health lens and utilizing community assets and youth voices to shape public policy. Networking and exhibits offer ample opportunities with poster presentations and exhibits to foster collaboration, exchange ideas and information. Enjoy Reception and Student Art Exhibits too.
Health Summit Partners
This summit, hosted by Louisiana Center for Health Equity, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, and Louisiana Department of Health will feature multiple panels, breakout sessions, and workshops, as well as opportunities to network. Stay connected for information about our sessions and speakers as plan are finalized.
