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Calling Louisiana’s Creatives, Students, and Young Health Equity Advocates!

Louisiana is a state often ranked among the last in national health rankings. This exhibit aims to recognize, imagine, and inspire alternative possibilities for health and resilience in Louisiana.


Young artists, poets, and scientists are invited to participate in an exhibit for the Louisiana Center for Health Equity’s Annual Health Summit (November 12-13, 2024). High school and college students are invited to submit artwork, photographs, poetry, and data visualizations representing how they envision the possibilities of health equity in Louisiana. ​​

Eligibility and Submission Details


​Submission Deadline:

October 31, 2024


Medium and Formatting:

Participants are welcome to submit any form of visual digital artwork (e.g. photographs, digital art, or photographs of physical paintings, mixed media, etc.), poetry, or digital data visuals. Accepted formats include PDF, JPEG, PNG, DOC, PDF, MP3 or MP4. The file size limit is 50 MB. You may also upload your work to YouTube or a cloud-based drive and email the link to (if you are a high school student) or (if you are an undergraduate student). 


Artists must submit their artwork with the following information (found on form):

  1. Name, date of birth, school (if applicable), email address, and phone number

  2. A bio or group description (50-100 word count)

  3. A description of the submitted work and how it represents health equity in Louisiana (50-100 word count)

  4. Statement of permission, name, and contact information of parent or guardian if under the age of 18.


Terms and Conditions:

By submitting your artwork for this project, you are granting non-exclusive lifetime permission for the Louisiana Center for Health Equity to display, publish, and share your artwork in digital and print formats. This includes your artist statement. Full credit will always be given to the artist, and copyright will remain with the artist. Artwork submitted for this project will not be reproduced for purchase or profit.​

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© 2023-24 by Louisiana Center for Health Equity (LCHE). All Rights Reserved. 

Established in January 2010, LCHE is a statewide nonpartisan nonprofit organization with IRS status as a 501 (C) (3) tax exempt public charity.


Site designed by ExceliCentered Consulting

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